Friday, December 02, 2005

British women

Now, I don't claim to know much about them. They seem interesting - much like women everywhere - and I do find many of them quite attractive (think Kate Winslet.) But I do hear - how shall I put it - how difficult they are. I would imagine a British woman knows quite well how to pitch a fit and make it sound absolutely brilliant. What brought me to this topic? Mil Millington, of course. He's the man behind the phenomenally brilliant Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About. He is British and his girlfriend of many many years (they have children together as well) happens to be German. But he has this to say about British women:

English women, then. If you plot all English women as a line graph, you get a high, thin plateau on which they are electrically wonderful; on both sides of this narrow table there's a sheer plunge down to bottomless awfulness. Off in one direction, a vast, cackling pit of Bacardi Breezers and protectively Band-Aided Achilles tendons. Off in the other, well… Christ. As an illustration, allow me to proffer a tale that someone told me the other day.

A fellow was having sex with an English woman. As he's English himself, he'd probably not have made the distinction - if I'd asked at the time, I'm sure he would have said that he was simply having sex with 'a woman' (and also, 'What the hell are you doing here asking me questions? I thought we'd talked about this.'). That she was, definitively, an English woman, however, was soon made apparent. Because, at the key moment in the proceedings, she shouts this:
"I'm coming, actually!"


I'm coming, actually. You'd climb off, there and then, and go and re-whiten the grouting in the bathroom instead or something, wouldn't you?

Nice. He remarks that he's had his go with English women and will stick with his German lovemate. Now I happen to have a German mother so I can't quite see eye to eye with him about that. But maybe it's different for them. And she's not his mom. That's gotta make a difference.

His bit about English women reminds me of something from Family Guy:

English man:
Almost. Almost. Almost. There we are.
English woman: Well done.

Heh. For those of you keeping track, that's from the first episode this year - indeed, after having been cancelled for 2 years. It's called North By North Quahog and is preceded by Peter telling Lois he's watching some "high class British porn." I lurve that show.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm a film guy

As anyone who knows me - really knows me - will tell you. Some people think they know me but they usually have misconceptions as to what I'm all about. And besides being IT-focused (read Mac), sporting a ferocious work persona, and possessing a truly slapstick and goofy sense of humor, I'm all about film. I. Just. Love. Them.

So, I have a website to share with you. It lists the 50 greatest independent films. Interestingly (to Natalie anyway) her favorite is #2 and I like it an awful lot as well.

You may not agree and that's okay. I happen to think they're spot-on. I'm sure I'll come up with several notable absences, but for now I'm happy.

An Open Letter...

I love this site. It's got some of the best satirical writing around. In particular, I urge all to view the open letters section. Here's a particular favorite, entitled An Open Letter to Officials of the United States Government Regarding What's New in My Reproductive Area:

It's summer, so I'm getting my bikini line waxed more frequently. (Ouch!) I had a little urinary-tract infection a while ago, but that seems to have cleared up. Cranberry juice is really something, especially when you're uninsured and can't see the doctor to check out every little searing, stabbing pain. And did you know that yogurt cures yeast infections? If only it cured AIDS, we could patent it and then withhold it from Third World nations.

Mmmmm....trenchant wit! Yummy.